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  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.26 오전10:26


    대전페이스성형외과 필러 vs 지방이식 차이점은

    대전페이스성형외과 필러 vs 지방이식 차이점은 안녕하십니까. 대전 페이..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.25 오후2:55


    대전성형외과 필러 보톡스 자연스러운 볼륨 만들기

    대전성형외과 필러 보톡스 자연스러운 볼륨 만들기 안녕하십니까. 대전페..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.20 오전11:08


    대전 남자 성형 티 안 나게 잘생겨지는 방법

    안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형외과 대표원장 윤영묵 입니다. 최근에는 자..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.19 오전11:44


    대전성형외과 가슴 재수술이 필요한 경우

    대전성형외과 가슴 재수술이 필요한 경우 안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.17 오전11:28


    대전성형외과 2025년 중년성형 트렌드

    대전성형외과 2025년 중년성형 트렌드 안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형외과..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.14 오전10:16


    대전성형외과 의사가 알려주는 성형수술과 심리학

    안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형외과 윤영묵 대표원장입니다. 성형수술을 ..

상단으로 이동

Quotation for plastic surgery 견적부위 선택


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 50-100만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 50-100만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 100~300만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 100~200만원 추가


선택하신 견적 결과

부위 시술명 최저금액 최대금액
오른쪽 가격표에서 시술(수술)명을
선택하시면 이곳에 가격이 보여집니다.
  • 성형수술비용은 일반수가로서 다른 성형외과와 차이가 있으며, 환자 개개인의 차이에 따라 상기 공개한 비용에서 가감될 수 있음을 알립니다.
  • 수술비는 부가세 별도 금액이며, 성형 목적의 수술의 경우 부가세가 부여됩니다.

Accu liftFACE

Accu lift is a procedure that removes fat and improves skin elasticity by using laser equipment that is effective in decomposing fat.

Accusculpt laser device, to which 1444 nm wavelength (most efficient for fat decomposition) is applied, effectively removes fat cells only. It can be an effective way of improving saggy cheeks or droopy skin caused by excessive fat. The US FDA-approved laser treatment stimulates skin's dermal layer to induce collagen production, resulting in a skin lifting effect as well.

FACE Plastic Surgery Center’s accu lifting does not require incision, minimizing the pain, swelling, and bruising. The powerful lifting effect can recover the hidden beauty of your V-line.

지방흡입 VS 아큐리프트
Destroys fat cells by artificial physical force or impact (ultrasound or vibration) for suction Method Elaborately melts the fat cell area only to suck fat using a fine syringe suction tube
Body Apply to Face and body
General anesthesia, local anesthesia Anesthesia sedation anesthesia
Removes fat Effect Removes fat and increases skin elasticity (lifting effect)
Leaves scars, bruises, and swelling, thereby requiring recovery time Scars No scars, bruises, and swelling, so patients can get back to their normal life immediately
  • 1 Double chin
  • 2 Jowl
  • 3 Heavy cheeks
  • 4 Side cheekbone

Based on the position, it can be divided into double chin, cheeks, etc. The front area with excessive fat is identified, and the fat cells in it are intensively removed to make a smooth line by reducing the face size.

  • 1Those who have droopy chin, which causes double chin
  • 2Those with excessive cheek skin or jowl
  • 3Those who have excessive fat on the face and roundish face
  • 4Those who have excessive fat, which hampers the effect of the double-jaw surgery or face contour they had
Surgical Information
  • Surgery time: 30 minutes - 1 hour

  • Thread removal: After 7 days

  • Anesthesia: Sedation anesthesia or partial anesthesia

  • Number of visits: 1-2 times

  • Inpatient treatment: None

  • Recovery period: 7 days (depending on the individual)

Note that complications such as bleeding, infection, and inflammation may occur after surgery and may vary depending on the individual.


5 Average rating
  • Jo * Na / One month

    Face contour, nose, and accu lift

    Everyone's so kind!! And the director doctor does not ask you to have the surgery unconditionally but performs operation, modification, and surgery based on the condition and satisfaction of the patient, which is really good.

  • Lee * Yeon / Three months

    Eye surgery, face transplant

    The staff are bright and kind when it came to my inquiries. So I felt comfortable every time I went there. In particular, the director was kind, and he seemed trustworthy. So I had surgery with my two daughters. Kudos to the flourishing FACE Plastic Surgery Center!!!

  • Kim * Jin Accurink

    I was very happy that there was minimal swelling or bruising. ~ Their post-surgery care is also very detailed, and even systematic high-frequency care is provided. The staff was so friendly, and the service was so refreshing it made me excited every time I got it. ~ I highly recommend it ~~ ^^.