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  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.26 오전10:26


    대전페이스성형외과 필러 vs 지방이식 차이점은

    대전페이스성형외과 필러 vs 지방이식 차이점은 안녕하십니까. 대전 페이..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.25 오후2:55


    대전성형외과 필러 보톡스 자연스러운 볼륨 만들기

    대전성형외과 필러 보톡스 자연스러운 볼륨 만들기 안녕하십니까. 대전페..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.20 오전11:08


    대전 남자 성형 티 안 나게 잘생겨지는 방법

    안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형외과 대표원장 윤영묵 입니다. 최근에는 자..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.19 오전11:44


    대전성형외과 가슴 재수술이 필요한 경우

    대전성형외과 가슴 재수술이 필요한 경우 안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.17 오전11:28


    대전성형외과 2025년 중년성형 트렌드

    대전성형외과 2025년 중년성형 트렌드 안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형외과..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.14 오전10:16


    대전성형외과 의사가 알려주는 성형수술과 심리학

    안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형외과 윤영묵 대표원장입니다. 성형수술을 ..

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Quotation for plastic surgery 견적부위 선택


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 50-100만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 50-100만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 100~300만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 100~200만원 추가


선택하신 견적 결과

부위 시술명 최저금액 최대금액
오른쪽 가격표에서 시술(수술)명을
선택하시면 이곳에 가격이 보여집니다.
  • 성형수술비용은 일반수가로서 다른 성형외과와 차이가 있으며, 환자 개개인의 차이에 따라 상기 공개한 비용에서 가감될 수 있음을 알립니다.
  • 수술비는 부가세 별도 금액이며, 성형 목적의 수술의 경우 부가세가 부여됩니다.

About our equipmentEQUIPMENT OF FACE

Here are the equipment possessed by FACE Plastic Surgery Center.


Equipment of FACE Plastic Surgery Center


  • 3D-CT

    This cutting-edge equipment, which has never been introduced in the middle region of Korea before, is able to detect precisely the invisible thickness of the jaw and location of nerves, reducing the risk of damaging nerves and blood vessels; thus leading to safe operation.
  • Ultrasound Scanner

    Ultrasonography is performed for precise pre-operative diagnosis and post-operative complication detection. In particular, it can easily and accurately evaluate the surficial structure of our body such as breast and musculoskeletal system.
  • InVivoDental

    Famous for its excellent performance and stability, the InVivoDental program reproduces every structure in three-dimensional stereoscopic images based on the data from 3D-CT.


  • Endoscope

    The small camera attached to the endoscope is utilized for facial contouring, double-jaw surgery, or breast surgery to observe the deepest parts of the body -- which are difficult to see with the naked eye -- to perform precise operation without damaging tissues.
  • Sedation/General anesthetic machine

    FACE uses a safe anesthetic approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of the Republic of Korea, and the anesthesiologist takes charge of the patient.
  • Accusculpt

    Accusculpt is a laser device that dissolves and sucks facial fat to remove it without damaging the surrounding tissues. It causes less bleeding, bruising, and swelling, improving skin elasticity and lifting skin.
  • Centrifugal

    The device completely separates impurities and fats collected from the body using centrifugation to extract only pure fat and then injects it into the part where volume is needed.


  • Smart looks

    It is a bright light therapy device that is safe without side effects. The light emitted from the LED lamp is transmitted through skin to increase the natural healing effect on damaged skin and to help patients quickly recover from wounds, bruising, swelling, and pain.
  • High frequency

    High-frequency current is flowed to the human body to vibrate the cells and generate heat. The high temperature induces disinfection and collagen production in the dermis layer and loosens tightened muscles to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Scar laser

    It is skin-regenerating laser that can treat from the epidermis to the deep dermis. Since both modes of laser are used together, the treatment is speedily performed and is effective in removing scars even with one use.
  • Injection for swelling

    Treatment is carried out appropriately according to the patient's condition and symptoms. The injection helps relieve bruising and swelling, facilitating quick recovery.


  • Real-time monitor

    Monitoring equipment that accurately detects the respiratory condition and physiological changes of patients during anesthesia enables more accurate monitoring of the patient's condition.
  • Cardiac defibrillators

    To prepare for any emergency that may occur, a cardiac defibrillator is available in every operating room of FACE Plastic Surgery Center.
  • Airway device

    An airway anchoring device inserted into the patient's mouth is available for airway access to secure safe anesthesia and operation.
  • Body temperature maintainer

    Long operation under general anesthesia may cause the body temperature to drop below a certain degree. Thus, FACE is equipped with a body temperature maintainer to prevent hypothermia and to enable safe recovery.