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  • 네이버 블로그 2024.11.12 오후2:49


    대전 페이스성형외과 블로그

    대전 페이스성형외과의 공식 블로그는 아래의 링크로 접속 부탁드립니다.

  • 네이버 블로그 2024.01.25 오후4:18


    [페이스성형외과] 1월 언론 소개

    안녕하세요. 대전 페이스 성형외과입니다 :) 2024년의 첫 달인 1월도 마..

  • 네이버 블로그 2024.01.19 오후3:04


    [페이스성형외과] 쁘띠이벤트 안내

    안녕하세요🥰 이목구비의 조화를 고려하여 꼼꼼한 시술 및 수술을 제시하..

  • 네이버 블로그 2023.12.19 오전10:33


    페이스성형외과 성탄절, 신정 휴진 안내

    안녕하세요! 페이스성형외과입니다. 12월~1월에 자리한 공휴일 진료일정 ..

  • 네이버 블로그 2023.11.08 오전11:01


    페이스성형외과 제이의원 제휴기념 이벤트

    안녕하세요! 페이스성형외과입니다. 이제 연말이 다가오면서 점차 약속을..

  • 네이버 블로그 2023.11.01 오후1:30


    페이스성형외과의원 울쎄라 리프팅 이벤트

    안녕하세요. 페이스성형외과입니다 ^^ FACE에서는 주름 개선 및 리프팅에..

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Quotation for plastic surgery 견적부위 선택


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 50-100만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 50-100만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 100~300만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 100~200만원 추가


선택하신 견적 결과

부위 시술명 최저금액 최대금액
오른쪽 가격표에서 시술(수술)명을
선택하시면 이곳에 가격이 보여집니다.
  • 성형수술비용은 일반수가로서 다른 성형외과와 차이가 있으며, 환자 개개인의 차이에 따라 상기 공개한 비용에서 가감될 수 있음을 알립니다.
  • 수술비는 부가세 별도 금액이며, 성형 목적의 수술의 경우 부가세가 부여됩니다.

Micro-textured breast augmentationFACE

Micro-textured breast augmentation incorporating the advantages
of the smooth type and texture type

Micro-textured breast augmentation is made more elaborately and precisely than the previous texture type and is characterized by its natural smooth texture resembling that of a real breast. In addition, with the smooth texture and relatively low possibility of rippling or capsular contracture, the implant requires a limited incision area to minimize scars.

The micro-textured implants, made to fit the size of Asian chests easily, adhere to breast tissues and spread naturally when one lies down.

It refers to the phenomenon wherein the skin of the implant underneath the thin breast skin develops rippling.

Micro texture
incorporating the benefits of smooth and textured types

Benefits of smooth type
The smooth, thin surface requires limited incision and
leaves minimal scar natural movement and
smooth texture in any posture
Benefits of textured type
The rough surface suppresses the formation of membranes and
capsular contracture natural bust line without
the need for post-surgery massage

Micro texture
incorporating the benefits of smooth and textured types

  • The excellent elasticity
    and durability realize
    voluptuousness matching
    your body

  • It naturally spreads
    like real breasts

  • Fine micro textures enable
    soft, smooth touch
  • Easy adhesion to breast tissue
    minimizes capsular contracture and rippling

Micro-textures optimized for Asians

Three types are available depending on the height and width of implants

  • Wide, low type


    • Flat but widest in diameter
    • Suitable when you have non-small busts and want the perfect volume to the upper breast
  • Medium type


    • Suitable for those with average breast size
    • Most commonly used
  • Narrow and high type

    High Profile

    • Suitable for making a large volume
    • Effective when the desired volume cannot be achieved as the breast width is limited
  • 1Those with limited breasts or unsatisfying volume
  • 2Those who want an implant with little side effects such as capsular contracture
  • 3Those whose breast shape has changed after giving birth
  • 4Those who want to improve the shape and texture naturally
Surgical Information
  • Surgery time: 2 hours

  • Thread removal: None

  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia

  • Number of visits: 4 times

  • Inpatient treatment: None

  • Recovery period: 7 days (may vary depending on the individual)

Buxom breasts, slim body

FACE bikini line package

A total body solution program that completes seamless bikini body line with natural breast augmentation for buxom breasts,
customized liposuction for a balanced body line.


What makes FACE breast augmentation special?

  • Breast Ultrasound

    Precise analysis of individual breast tissue and chest structure

    To make a surgical plan, FACE precisely analyzes the status of breasts through high-resolution ultrasound images prior to surgery.

  • Full-HD endoscopy

    Minimal exfoliation and delicate surgery using full-UD endoscopy

    To make a surgical plan, FACE precisely analyzes the status of breasts through high-resolution ultrasound images prior to surgery.

  • Keller Funnel

    Breast implant insertion without damaging the nerves or blood vessels

    FACE uses sterile disposable funnel to minimize the possibilities of infection and to insert it correctly into the right position.

  • Safe anesthesia

    Anesthesia performed by anesthesiologist/pain medicine specialist

    The anesthesiologist himself administers general anesthesia from beginning to end of surgery, taking care of the patient’s condition.


FACE’s post-surgery care program

Special care exclusive for you

Care and scar treatment program designed to help you recover quickly
enables fast recovery and satisfactory surgery result.

Post-surgery care system provided based on the patient's condition
  • Swelling care

  • high-frequency management

  • laser management

The care method may vary depending on the type of surgery.

Note that complications such as bleeding, infection, and inflammation may occur after surgery and may vary depending on the individual.


5 Average rating
  • Lee * Ja / After one year

    Breast surgery

    Every time I visit, the friendly-looking staff welcome me and kindly offer help, which pleases me.

  • Lee * Gyeong / Seven months

    Breast surgery

    I am satisfied with all aspects; most of all, the kind managers always put themselves in the shoes of the patient! If such attitude is maintained, I think FACE Plastic Surgery Center will be the best plastic clinic in Daejeon! Cheers

  • Seo * Ram / Seven months

    Breast surgery, accessory breast

    The staff are all friendly, and the overall atmosphere of the clinic is neat. Likewise, the sophisticated eye of the director doctor and post-surgery satisfaction are some of the reasons for revisiting ~ ^^