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  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.26 오전10:26


    대전페이스성형외과 필러 vs 지방이식 차이점은

    대전페이스성형외과 필러 vs 지방이식 차이점은 안녕하십니까. 대전 페이..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.25 오후2:55


    대전성형외과 필러 보톡스 자연스러운 볼륨 만들기

    대전성형외과 필러 보톡스 자연스러운 볼륨 만들기 안녕하십니까. 대전페..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.20 오전11:08


    대전 남자 성형 티 안 나게 잘생겨지는 방법

    안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형외과 대표원장 윤영묵 입니다. 최근에는 자..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.19 오전11:44


    대전성형외과 가슴 재수술이 필요한 경우

    대전성형외과 가슴 재수술이 필요한 경우 안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.17 오전11:28


    대전성형외과 2025년 중년성형 트렌드

    대전성형외과 2025년 중년성형 트렌드 안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형외과..

  • 네이버 블로그 2025.02.14 오전10:16


    대전성형외과 의사가 알려주는 성형수술과 심리학

    안녕하십니까. 대전페이스성형외과 윤영묵 대표원장입니다. 성형수술을 ..

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Quotation for plastic surgery 견적부위 선택


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 50-100만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 50-100만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 100~300만원 추가


- 재수술 : 각 수술에 100~200만원 추가


선택하신 견적 결과

부위 시술명 최저금액 최대금액
오른쪽 가격표에서 시술(수술)명을
선택하시면 이곳에 가격이 보여집니다.
  • 성형수술비용은 일반수가로서 다른 성형외과와 차이가 있으며, 환자 개개인의 차이에 따라 상기 공개한 비용에서 가감될 수 있음을 알립니다.
  • 수술비는 부가세 별도 금액이며, 성형 목적의 수술의 경우 부가세가 부여됩니다.

Long-curved square jaw surgeryFACE

  • Long-curved square jaw surgery
  • Long-curved square jaw surgery
Long-curved square jaw surgery is an operation to excise the angular jaw stretching from the bottom of the ear to the front jaw.

A square jaw is a jaw whose bones under the ear are angled like a square; the angular bone can make one's features more pronounced or make one’s face look larger than it actually is. In this case, a long-curved square jaw surgery is a good method of ablating the angular jaw bone.

Unlike the conventional surgery that removes only the angle of the bone, FACE also reduces the thickness of the bone using cortical bone resection. As the jaw muscles and bones are reduced together, the face gets smaller, and facial contour that makes the face look slim even from the front is achieved.

  • Cortical bone resection
    In the case of thick jaw bone, the outermost cortex is removed from the triple-layered bone structure to reduce the thickness of the jaw bone so as to narrow the width of the face and make it slimmer.
  • Angle resection
    It is effective for overgrown jaw angle. The operation cuts the excessively developed jaw angle under the ear to realize a slim, smooth line overall.

Types of long-curved square jaw surgery

Surgical procedure for a square jaw with big lower jaw

  • The tip of the chin is T-resected without touching the nerve lines.
  • Fragments of the middle bone are removed.
  • Both tips of the resected jaws are put together, and protruding bones are removed.
  • The front jaw is fixed with pin.

Surgical procedure for a square jaw on a wide face

  • The tip of the chin is T-resected without touching the nerve lines.
  • The resected upper part and fragments of the middle bone are removed.
  • Both tips of the resected jaws are put together, and protruding bones are removed.
  • The front jaw is fixed with pins.

Surgical procedure for an asymmetric wide square jaw

  • The tip of the chin is T-resected without touching the nerve lines.
  • The resected jaw is moved to the center of the face.
  • The protruding bone is removed.
  • The front jaw is fixed with pins.
  • 1Those who want a slimmer face line
  • 2Those with broad, roundish lower jaw
  • 3Those with overgrown square-shaped jaw angles
  • 4Those who have an asymmetric face
  • 5Those who have a wide face due to overgrown jaw bones and muscles
Surgical Information
  • Surgery time: 2 hours

  • Thread removal: After 10 days

  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia

  • Number of visits: 3-4 times

  • Inpatient treatment: 0~1-day hospitalization

  • Recovery period: 7 days (may vary depending on the individual)

Note that complications such as bleeding, infection, and inflammation may occur after surgery and may vary depending on the individual.

FACE Long-curved square jaw surgery

  • CASE 01

    BEFORE AFTER (Three months)
    BEFORE AFTER (Three months)
  • CASE 02

    BEFORE AFTER (Three months)
    BEFORE AFTER (Three months)
  • CASE 03

    BEFORE AFTER (Three months)
    BEFORE AFTER (Three months)

* Surgical results may vary depending on the individual.


Accurate diagnosis,

better results

Bone cutting does not necessarily make an ideal face.

FACE Plastic Surgery Center carefully identifies the patient’s condition through consultation with professional medical staff and 3D-CT scanning to avoid damaging the nerves, muscles, and blood vessels -- which are positioned differently per person -- in order to perform safe surgery considering the overall facial balance and harmony.


5 Average rating
  • Jo * Na / One month

    Facial contour, eyes, and nose

    Everyone's so kind!! And the director doctor does not tell you to undergo the surgery unconditionally but thinks about the condition and satisfaction of the patient before performing the operation, modification, and surgery, which is really good.

  • Lee * Hee / Three months

    Square jaw, nose/eye surgery

    Thank you for taking care of me every time I visit. I just hope FACE PLASTIC SURGERY CENTER will be more famous in the future.

  • Kim * lang / After two years

    Facial contour, eyes, and nose

    The surgery is done so naturally that people don't know any better unless I tell them. Now the scars and swellings are gone, and there is no problem with everyday life at all. It's even better because I don't look artificial and get even naturally prettier over time. I get lots of compliments.